12months18wheels’s Blog

Just another WordPress.com weblog

January ’09 January 14, 2009

1 – Snow!

Ever see something so beautiful that you become inspired? The farms of Pennsylvania, wow! They are beyond words. Rolling hills, perfect homes… Let’s round up the family and raise some cows here!


Our trip to Connecticut was full of adventures and hold-ups. We traveled through Indiana, Pennsylvania, and southern New York to get to the Hartford, Connecticut area. Tennessee and now Pennsylvania rank in my favorites so far.


We’ve been talking on the CB radio for almost an hour now to drivers we are playing tag with, along I-80. We’re not loaded, so we’d catch them going up hill and then they’d pass us on the straights. We’re governed at 64.5 so it’s a little safer than most.


While we were in Connecticut for two or three days, it snowed! Check out these fun pics!


Treking through the snow to the movies – Connecticutdscf15812 

J doin a snow angel- Connecticutdscf1585


Yesterday a funny thing happened in Connecticut. J was backing into a tight truck bay at a Pennsylvania warehouse, and he couldn’t see. So, he had me get out and guide him in with hand signals. Talk about wingin’ it. It took him a few times, pulling forward and backing up again because there were poles and corners to watch. When I stepped in the bay, I was walking backwards to guide him in and the next thing you know, I trip walking backwards! Apparently I’m the one needing a guide… I tripped over a curb inside the bay that divided it from the bay next to us. I guess you just had to be there. I felt pretty dumb, but I didn’t look behind me first!


I’ve been to 22 new states so it’s pretty exciting coloring them in on my map. It’s how I keep track of them all.


We just pulled out of Austin the first part of January after seven, yes, seven days there. It was quite nice. We got to see friends and hang out, and me, exercise classes – probably one of the things I miss the most!! Of course we fit in a little dancing, too. We hung out with some pretty crazy peeps, and you know who you are! Too fun! And someone got me hooked on a new ice cream flavor at Baskin Robins. I’m not naming names.



2 – She Left the Suds in the Bucket

It’s funny how the trucking world infiltrates your very being. Coming from being an office gal, my work never really became my life – just the way I wanted it. Over the road, where we work is where we live. In our case, it’s not a bad thing. We see different places and encounter new faces everywhere!



A lot of times it is hard out here. Waiting for a shower, waiting to do laundry, waiting to get loaded. Waiting is the game, trucking is the name. We do have a lot of fun times out here, too. Lots of times we’re laughing at other drivers, seeing new places and learning. And  then those are nights when we shut down early, eat a good dinner and go to bible study or watch a movie, depending what night it is.



We’ve had nights where we get done cooking and since the music is turned up and we’ve got a beer in hand, we’ll dance in the dirt parking lot and rekindle the love. Yes, we are newlyweds but doesn’t every couple have to often spend quality time together in order to be content? We sure do!


We’re still lovin’ it out here. It’s a little weird not working, but I will have to work harder to prove my worth to an employer when the time comes.


I “found” my CB handle!! Mom thought of “Suds” based on a country song, and, Mom, I finally got it put on the truck! Dad knows the song well, dontcha? Check out the lyrics so you know where we’re coming from.



She was in the backyard, they say it was a little past nine, when her prince pulled up, white pick-up truck. Her folks shoulda seen it comin’, it was only just a matter of time. Plenty old enough, and you can’t stop love…. She left a note on the screen door, “Sorry but I got to go.” That was all she wrote, her momma’s heart was broke. That was all she wrote, so the story goes… Our little pony-tailed girl grown up to be a woman. Now she’s gone in the blink of an eye. She left the suds in the bucket and clothes hangin’ out on the line.



I made a new friend on a ranch in Sterling City, Texas. We delivered some wire to a rancher out there and I got to play with his horses and snort with the piggies… They wouldn’t talk back! This one was my friend, the other shy!




 Ole Lefty was shy



And here’s the PIGGY!  BooBoo, I could have used you by my side, snorting too!



That was my favorite piggy because his ear covered his eye. I thought it was endearing.



3 – Colorado & New Mexico

We went to visit my sister-in-law in Colorado as well as some family friends. We got the house tour which included rock climbing in their back yard!








Last but not least cutest picture from this month…. Dot!




This is Suds, signin’ out. Leave us some comments! 🙂


6 Responses to “January ’09”

  1. Dad Says:

    Love the new look of the blog. Great work! Thanks for the call about Shortney. So glad and relieved that she is okay. I called JLF this afternoon and checked on her. She is sore and has a “califlower” ear….if you’re reading this…just kidding Cort!

    Wish we could have spent more time with you and Josh. Next time, it’s Dario’s for sure. Love, Dad

  2. tete Says:

    I know you are having a blast. Thank you for showing us the pics!
    Take care. Yous Spanish Mom Tete

  3. Ginger Lenai Says:

    Nikki Jo! What a blessing to read your blogs. You are such a doll. I just love you! Thanks for all of your efforts in keeping this so up to date. You seem to be having the time of your life. Enjoy every minute of it. Soak it up! Love you lots!

  4. Kellie Says:

    Hey girlie!
    Loved the pics. And I love the name for you! Its perfect, I always felt like that was my song too since ty came and stole my heart in his big white truck. : P Well you look like you’re doing great. good to hear from you!

  5. Barbara Coursey Says:

    Loved getting to see you two kids while you were in these parts. (Leander) And I also love getting your up-dates. Keep me on your list.

  6. Nikki Says:

    Nikki Jo,

    Your artistic flair surfaces again. Although I worry about you on the road, I have to remember that Joshua is a pro at his truck driving and that God has you both in “his hands”.

    A mother never stops praying for her children no matter how many (or few) she has. That’s just the way God made us, Suds. I love that song and it fits you perfectly.

    Love, Mom

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